📅 Sunday, 12/10/23 at 7:00 PM EST
LIVE AWAKE Healing Zoom Call with AWAKE Q & A

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Register Now for the Zoom Healing Call
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What to Expect?  
We will be using the magic that we teach in AWAKE to do a group healing on all of the participants. If you are reading this, it is for a reason. We will be working with you in the Zero-Point energy inviting powerful quantum shifts to happen within your field. You will experience healing with star language and connecting to your own star within. Please come with what you want to create in your life AND what you are willing to LET GO of to create space. Finally, we will be answering any questions about the AWAKE Academy that participants have. This is a live call. 
What is the Zero-Point 
Think of an hour glass. The space in the middle where the sands of time do not belong to the past or the future. The sands of time are in the neutral space. This is the space where time really does not exist. Nothing and everything exists as the same time. Why is this useful? When working in this space we free the constraints of past and future stagnant energies. Most people have a hard time manifesting because of old energies in the "past" or the fear of the "future". Everything that you need to create is with you NOW. 
What is Quantum Shifting? 
In order to successfully shift on a physical, emotional, or etheric level, you must work in the quantum. This is the blueprint of energy surrounding you. By shifting the information in the quantum the body on all levels will automatically shift. 
What is Star Language 
Star Language is the language of the soul. It is channeled from the highest versions of ourselves that are connected to the highest of frequencies. With Star language it can't be interrupted by using any human language because it is judgement free. It is spoken with words, the hands, and symbols. It heals at very deep levels. YOUR soul will understand and you will feel that it understands. POWERFUL
AWAKE Q & A ? 
AWAKE just started adding non-AWAKE students to these powerful group healing calls. We have over 900 graduated students from AWAKE. WE have had many request to do live question and answer calls where interested students ask questions.
"Best webinar ever!"
"I learnt so much"
Only $1 donation required to join this live zoom call.  