Conscious Infinity

Transpersonal Hypnotherapy

Transpersonal Hypnotherapy is an orientation toward hypnotherapy that is shared by an increasing number of holistically oriented practitioners who are ready to take the concept of holism to the next logical step.


What is It?

Transpersonal means the crossing of Body, Mind, and Spirit. Where holism takes body, mind, and spirit into consideration, transpersonalism goes beyond the individual to consider the deep connections between human beings and our capacity to transcend the limitations of a three-dimensional consciousness. In transpersonal hypnotherapy, there is an emphasis on the innate spiritual resources within each individual, along with the assumption that the guidance of a higher power will prevail within the therapeutic relationship. Transpersonal hypnotherapy embraces the clinical qualities of hypnosis, but extends treatment to the client’s higher dimensional realities for corrective interventions, when it is considered to be appropriate for the client’s benefit. 

How it Works

By accessing these higher dimensional realities the super-consciousness (spirit) of the client is then incorporated into the restorative process more extensively. Altered states of consciousness is the avenue, and Transpersonal Hypnotherapy is the vehicle that is used to explore the fascinating realm of the superconscious mind. It is a journey we go on which accesses information beyond the five senses, which transcends the body and ego boundaries as we examine our beliefs, our strengths, and our weaknesses in an attempt to understand our Self and bring about Self-actualization and the healing we need. It encompasses a number of approaches that honor the spirituality of the client and goes beyond the individual to consider the deep connections between human beings and our capacity to transcend the limitations of a three-dimensional consciousness.


Recognizing the whole person on a physical, emotional, mental, intuitive and spiritual level, there is an emphasis on the innate spiritual resources within each individual, along with the belief that the guidance of the superconscious mind will prevail within the corrective relationship, bringing into accord those insights and experiences that lead to the client’s highest good. 

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Transpersonal Regression Therapy

Regression therapy as a healing modality is based on the premise that understanding the past can and does help clarify the present and build upon the future. As regression therapists we work with the understanding of the universal law of cause and effect; for every ‘effect’ there was a beginning ‘cause’. While there are many therapies which work with ‘cause and effect’, a regression therapist has been trained to work beyond viewing life of a human soul as a singular event, beyond a linear way of being, and going outside the boundaries of time and space. 


Working within regression leads us towards an understanding of the cyclical nature of the Soul/Consciousness. From this viewpoint we can step out of the constraints of time and view ourselves from a perspective of Soul/Consciousness. Through regression you can then experience aspects of your consciousness without boundaries. 

To regress means to go back, having been trained in regression therapy we utilize our skills to help our clients to go back find the root cause of what is disturbing their life today. We help our clients to unravel what is found, transmute the cognitive-emotional and psycho-energetic fields involved, and with it bring about liberating insight and understanding.